
I am currently an Associate Professor at the Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) Nord Europe since 2022. I conduct my research and teaching at the Centre for Education, Research, and Innovation in Digital Systems (CERI SN), specifically within the HIDE (Human, Interaction, Data Ecosystem) research team. Additionally, I supervise the HumanIS (Human-centric Intelligent Systems) platform at CERI SN.

With several years of academic and industrial experience in vision-based human-centered research, my research endeavors aim to foster a multidisciplinary scientific dynamic centered on human movement, artificial intelligence, and their applications in healthcare and Industry 5.0.

Driven by a strong interest in improving health and well-being, my research focuses on analyzing human motricity and bodily behaviors through adaptive learning models, particularly in relation to physical and cognitive disorders. Additionally, I explore intelligent monitoring and tutoring solutions designed to facilitate collaboration between humans and their augmented environments. The ultimate objective is to enhance daily life for vulnerable individuals and technical operators working in demanding professions.

To achieve these goals, I leverage emerging wearable technologies such as smart glasses, AR/VR headsets, and connected insoles. These innovations enable personalized monitoring and tailored prevention strategies while ensuring minimal intrusion into users’ daily lives. Through this approach, I aim to develop solutions that seamlessly integrate into real-world applications, fostering both individual well-being and industrial efficiency.